Postpartum and NeonatalCare
Information to reinforce education provided during hospitalization.
About the neonate.
The Neonatal Period is defined in Mosby’s Medical Dictionary as the interval from birth to 28 days of age. It represents the time of the greatest risk to the infant. Approximately 65% of all deaths that occur in the first year of life happen during this 4-week period.​​
Apgar Score.
The APGAR test is performed by a doctor, midwife, or nurse. The health care provider will examine the baby's:
Immediately after the birth of your baby the nurse conducts an assessment. This assessment determines the APGAR score. This is done at one and five minutes following birth.
• Breathing effort
• Heart rate
• Muscle tone
• Reflexes
• Skin color
Each category is scored with 0, 1, or 2, depending on the observed condition.
Breathing effort:
• If the infant is not breathing, the respiratory score is 0.
• If the respirations are slow or irregular, the infant scores 1 for respiratory effort.
• If the infant cries well, the respiratory score is 2.
Heart rate is evaluated by stethoscope. This is the most important assessment:
• If there is no heartbeat, the infant scores 0 for heart rate.
• If the heart rte is less than 100 beats per minute, the infant scores 1 for heart rate.
• If heart rate is greater than 100 beatsper minute, the infant scores 2 for heart rate.
Muscle tone:
• If muscles are loose nd floppy, the infant scores 0 for muscle tone.
• If there is some muscle tone, the infant scores 1.
• If there is active motion, the infant scores 2 for muscle tone.
Grimace response or reflex irritability is a term describing response to stimulation such as a mild pinch:
• if there is no reaction, the infant scores 0 for reflex irritability.
• If there is no grimacing, the infant scores 1 for reflex irritability.
• If there is grimacing and a cough, sneeze, or vigorous cry, the infant scores 2 for reflex irritability.
Skin color:
• if the skin color is pale blue, the infant scores 0 for color.
• If the body is pink and the extremities are blue, the infant scores 1 for color.
• If the entire body is pink, the infant scores 2 for color.
The information on this page is not meant as a substitute for regular visits to your health care professional.
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